We hope we can make your visit as pleasant as possible.


The Spanish gluten free products are marked with the mention: "SIN GLUTEN" and you will find them in:

Health food shops ("Herbolarios") 

  • You can find gluten-free products such as bread, cookies, flours or pasta in health food shops called "HERBOLARIOS". You can find these products nationwide, although it can be hard to find a health food shop in the small places. (Check our directory).

If you are going to stay for a short time in Spain, we recommend you to bring some gluten free products with you.

Some pharmacies have started to sell gluten free products, but the choice of products is usually better at health food shops (herbolarios).

A range of gluten-free products can be bought in the following supermarkets:

  • Ahorramas, Alcampo, Carrefour, Coviran, Dia, El Corte Inglés, Hipercor, Lidl, Mercadona, Simply ... (Check our directory).

The gluten-free food available does vary but you should be able to find bread, biscuits, flour, pasta and cakes in these supermarkets. In these shops the products are usually found in the dietary departments.

Lista 22-23 peq


This guide provides a list of products that you can find in shops, supermarkets, discount stores, and so on, which do not contain gluten and which, according to the producers' standard guidelines, have not been contaminated at any stage of their production by gluten.

It also provides a list of Gluten-free products on sale at in health food shops called "Herbolarios" and in the supermarkets listed previously.

You can order a copy of the list by calling our Helpline on +34 917 130 147 Monday to Friday, 10-14h, Monday to Thurdays, 16-18h; by fax +34 917 258 059 or by e-mail: secretaria@celiacosmadrid.org.

3. APP sinGLU10

The Association of Celiac and Gluten Sensitivity launched a new application for Smart phones, with the objective to ease and expedite the search for gluten-free food products.


In sinGLU10 you can easily locate:


  • Food that doesn’t contain gluten, by the name of the product or by the brand.
  • A scanner, where you can also search through the use of the barcodes.
  • Establishments such as restaurants, hotels, bakeries, pastry shops etc.

More information about our App in: https://singlu10.org.


When planning your holiday, if staying in a hotel, or other establishment where you will be catered for, you will need to ask if they are able to provide for a gluten-free diet. When you arrive at your hotel check again with reception, and at your first meal, with the head waiter.

Many of the larger hotels prefer to discuss, and may ask you to decide in advance, which dishes from the menu can be made gluten-free. Check our Spain hotels guide.


Eating out in Spain is easy as long as you ask the right questions. Ask the head waiter or chef which dishes are gluten-free and suitable. You can also show the text below explaining what's a coeliac and how to prepare gluten-free dishes in spanish and show it to them click here.

If you need to find gluten-free restaurants check in sinGLU10 our Spain restaurants guidex or visit our web page.

Avoid or check carefully soups, dishes containing flour, served in sauce or gravy, croutons, breadcrumbs or rusk, sausages, pasta, batter and pastry. If you would like to eat MEAT or fish: ALWAYS grilled, NEVER fried. If you are in doubt, do not eat!


The Spanish cuisine is very varied and rich, every city and village has their own typical dishes. We have elaborated a list of TYPICAL Spanish tapas, dishes, deserts, and drinks that should not have gluten:


  • Pulpo a la gallega (Octopus boiled, sliced and dressed with oil and paprika. Served with cachelos, galician potatoes.)
  • Sepia a la plancha sin mayonesa (Grilled cuttlefish without mayonnaise)
  • Calamares a la plancha (Grilled squids)
  • Aceitunas, pepinillos y cebolletas (Olives, gherkins and spring onions)
  • Anchoas en aceite (Anchovies in oil)
  • Boquerones en vinagre (Anchovies marinated in vinegar)
  • Jamón serrano (Cured Ham)
  • Queso (Cheese)
  • Espetos de sardinas (Sardines grilled at the barbecue)


  • Cordero asado (Roasted lamb)
  • Cochinillo asado (Roasted suckling pig)
  • Mariscos cocidos o la plancha (Boiled or grilled shellfish)
  • Paella: Consultar que colorante han utilizado y si también se ha añadido sazonador (Paella: ask what food colouring has been used and if it has been seasoned with stock cubes)
  • Tortilla de patata (Spanish Omelette)
  • Guisantes con jamón serrano (Peas with cured ham)
  • Revuelto de huevos con champiñones, gambas, o espárragos trigueros (Scrambled eggs with mushrooms, prawns or asparagus)
  • Huevos rotos: huevos con jamón serrano y patatas (Eggs with cured ham and potatoes)
  • Marmitako: patatas, bonito, tomates, ajos, cebollas y pimientos (Potatoes with tuna, onions, peppers, tomatoes and garlics)
  • Escalivada (Roast of vegetables)
  • Pipirrana: ensalada de tomates, pimientos, cebollas, atún o bacalao (Salad of tomatoes, peppers, onions, tuna or cod)
  • Pisto manchego: tomates, cebolla, calabacín, ajo, aceite, sal y perejil (Vegetable Stew from La Mancha)
  • Papas a lo pobre: patatas con pimientos y cebolla (Potatoes with peppers and onions)
  • Bacalao al pilpil (Traditional Basque cod recipee)
  • Bacalao al Ajoarriero (Cod-fish with garlic and eggs)
  • Dorada o lubina a la sal (Gilt head fish or Sea Bass in Salt Crust)
  • Merluza a la gallega: merluza, patata y pimiento (Hake, potatoes and peppers)
  • Pescados y carnes a la plancha (Grilled fishes and meats)


  • Arroz con leche casero (Homemade Rice pudding: rice, milk, sugar and cinnamon)
  • Natillas caseras, no de sobre (Homemade Custard)
  • Flanes caseros, no de sobre (Homemade Cream caramel)
  • Tocino de cielo (Toffee caramel-rich custard)
  • Frutas en almíbar (Fruit in syrup)
  • Yemas
  • Cuajada fresca (A type of very firm yoghourt)


  • Sangría: vino, gaseosa y fruta (Wine, lemonade and fruit)
  • Tinto de verano: vino y gaseosa (Wine and lemonade)
  • Calimocho (Wine and cola)
  • Sidra (Cider)
  • Vino (Wine)
  • Cava (Champagne)
  • Pacharán
  • Anís

If you are going to stay for a long time in Spain or you need further information to help you cope with your gluten-free diet, you can contact your regional Celiac Disease Association.